mvc - Mvc routing in for multiple controllers -

i have 2 routes in global file. route propertydetails working fine doesn't works booking links used are. idea why not working

      @html.actionlinkwithspan("booknow", "create", "booking", new {item.productid,item.productname},"gradient-button")        @html.actionlinkwithspan("moredetails", "index", "propertydetails", new        {item.productid,item.productname},"")   routes.maproute(                    "booking",                    "book/{productid}/{productname}",                     new { controller = "bookingcontroller", action = "create", productname = urlparameter.optional }                );          routes.maproute(                     "propertydetails",                     "details/{productid}/{productname}",                      new { controller = "propertydetails", action = "index", productname = urlparameter.optional }                 ); 

ok got ... replaced

            routes.maproute(             name: "booking",             url: "{controller}/{productid}/{productname}",             defaults: new { controller = "bookingcontroller", action = "create", productid = urlparameter.optional }         ); 


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