hadoop - How to configure hbase using cygwin? -

i have configured hadoop in cygwin m trying configure hbase have made changes in hbase-evn.sh as:

export java_home=c:\\java\\jre export hbase_classpath=c:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\hbase\\lib\\zookeeper-3.3.2 export hbase_regionservers=c:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\hbase\\conf\\regionservers export hbase_manages_zk=true 

and changes in hbase-site.xml

 <property>      <name>hbase.rootdir</name>      <value>hdfs://localhost:9100/hbase</value>  </property>   <property>      <name>hbase.cluster.distributed</name>      <value>true</value>  </property>   <property>        <name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</name>        <value>localhost</value>  </property>   <property>       <name>dfs.replication</name>       <value>1</value>  </property> 

now when m stating hbase services using command bin/start-hbase.sh output as: output

can u me resolve problem .


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