haskell - Weeding duplicates from a list of functions -
is possible remove duplicates (as in nub) list of functions in haskell? basically, possible add instance (eq (integer -> integer))
in ghci:
let fs = [(+2), (*2), (^2)] let cs = concat $ map subsequences $ permutations fs nub cs <interactive>:31:1: no instance (eq (integer -> integer)) arising use of `nub' possible fix: add instance declaration (eq (integer -> integer)) in expression: nub cs in equation `it': = nub cs
thanks in advance.
further, based on larsmans' answer, able this
> let fs = [addtwo, double, square] > let css = nub $ concat $ map subsequences $ permutations fs
in order this
> css [[],[addtwo],[double],[addtwo,double],[square],[addtwo,square],[double,square],[addtwo,double,square],[double,addtwo],[double,addtwo,square],[square,double],[square,addtwo],[square,double,addtwo],[double,square,addtwo],[square,addtwo,double],[addtwo,square,double]]
and this
> map (\cs-> call <$> cs <*> [3,4]) css [[],[5,6],[6,8],[5,6,6,8],[9,16],[5,6,9,16],[6,8,9,16],[5,6,6,8,9,16],[6,8,5,6],[6,8,5,6,9,16],[9,16,6,8],[9,16,5,6],[9,16,6,8,5,6],[6,8,9,16,5,6],[9,16,5,6,6,8],[5,6,9,16,6,8]]
, original intent.
no, not possible. functions cannot compared equality.
the reason is:
- pointer comparison makes little sense haskell functions, since equality of
,\x -> id x
change based on whether latter form optimizedid
. - extensional comparison of functions impossible, since require positive solution halting problem (both functions having same halting behavior necessary requirement equality).
the workaround represent functions data:
data function = addtwo | double | square deriving eq call addtwo = (+2) call double = (*2) call square = (^2)
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