CDI annotated classes used both in EE6 context and Spring DI context -

i have issue concerning jar declaring cdi annotated beans, , used both in spring context , ee6 context.

this jar, service.jar, contains classes annotated qualifiers (@qualifier, allows declare own annotations such @dataaccessobject in order identify beans), , has private members annotated @inject.

it's compiled maven, , it's dependency javax.javaee-api declared provided, because these classes needed when deployed within ee6 context.

though, there's don't understand. in service.jar, once compiled, , whether deploy in ee6 context or not, bytecode references classes such javax.inject.@inject.

so why spring application - has no javax.javaee-api jar in classpath - able load configuration correctly , run ? more confused when learned spring provides support @inject (jsr 330) annotation.

can enlighten me on ?


you must not confuse di (jsr330) , cdi (jsr299). cdi includes di. javax.inject annotations belong di , supported many frameworks (spring , guice example).

if strictly reduce jar dependencies jsr330 (no need switch java ee deps deployment), able use of supporting frameworks.

checkout example:


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