ios - Not able to access the userdata property of the sprite -

in project having 10 sprite,each 1 having unique userdata value.during cctouch method copying sprite new sprite,

but cant able sprite userdata value.

my coding is

 (int i=1; i<=10; i++)       {        ccsprite *zig=[ccsprite spritewithfile:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"zig%d.png",i]];         zig.position=ccp(325,60);         zig.tag=i+1;         zig.userdata=[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",[zigpositionarray objectatindex:i-1]];         [self addchild:zig z:2];        [zigblurarray addobject:zig];             nslog(@"userdata%@",zig.userdata);       } 

in cctouchbegan method:

  for(ccsprite *s in zigblurarray)   {     if (cgrectcontainspoint(s.boundingbox, newpt1))    {        temp=s;        temp.userdata=s.userdata;        nslog(@"%d",temp.tag);         nslog(@"userdata%@",temp.userdata);     } 

finaly getting lldb error

0x170409b: movl 8(%edx), %edi exc_bad_access

please 1 me problem.

the string autoreleased. userdata property of type void* , not retain object. use userobject property instead (if available in cocos2d version) or retain string.


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