python - How can I make setup tools install a github forked PyPI package? -

here example scenario.

there python package not-mine , have found small bug in it. find source code on github , fork repository. make necessary changes , submit pull request. unfortunately package author on vacation , have deadline.

i need way install forked repository rather authors version living on pypi. have tried following no success:

install_requires = [     'not-mine==1.0.0' ], dependency_links = [     '' ] 

what missing?

resources have stumbled on while investigating issue: how can make setuptools install package that's not on pypi?

you should able point pip @ url of forked repo bugfix because pip can install directly git repos.

$ pip install git+git:// 

you can modify pip install command specify particular commit, branch, tag, etc. "@" symbol before "#".

$ pip install git+git:// 


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