c# - No overload for method '(Function Name)' takes '0' arguments -

while debugging got error : "no overload method 'studentcoursedetails_load' takes '0' arguments"

the studentcoursedetails winform , studentcoursedetails_load onload event form.i tried call event in function , got above said error.how can call event in function ? how can pass parameter's while calling event ?i don't know kind of parameter's sholud have pass. need help...

private void studentcoursedetails_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             txtregno.enabled        = false;             txtstudentname.enabled  = false;             txtcoursid.enabled      = false;             txtcoursname.enabled    = false;             dtpdoj.enabled          = false;             txtfee.enabled          = false;             txtdiscountper.enabled  = false;             txtnarration.enabled    = false;             btnsave.text            = "&add";          }  private void btnadd_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             switch (btnsave.text)             {                 case "&add":                     txtregno.enabled        = true;                     txtstudentname.enabled  = true;                     txtcoursid.enabled      = true;                     txtcoursname.enabled    = true;                     dtpdoj.enabled          = true;                     txtfee.enabled          = true;                     txtdiscountper.enabled  = true;                     txtnarration.enabled    = true;                     btnsave.text            = "&save";                     break;                 case "&save":                     if (validation())                     {                         if (messagebox.show("sure save?", cpublic.messagename, messageboxbuttons.yesno, messageboxicon.question) == dialogresult.yes)                         {                             selectstudentid();                             cmd.connection = cpublic.comm_con;                             cmd.parameters.clear();                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@regno", txtregno.text);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@studentid", id);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@studentname", txtstudentname.text);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@courseid", txtcoursid.text);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@coursename", txtcoursname.text);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@doj", dtpdoj.value.tostring(cgeneral.servedatefmt));                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@fee", txtfee.text);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@discount", txtdiscountper.text);                             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@narration", txtnarration.text);                             cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;                             cmd.commandtext = "sp_insert_studentcoursedetails" + cpublic.g_firmcode;                             cmd.executenonquery();                             messagebox.show("course added successfully...", cpublic.messagename, messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.information);                             clearall();                             btnsave.enabled         = true;                             btnsave.text            = "&add";                             studentcoursedetails_load();                          }                     }                             break;             }         } 

that because of line

btnsave.text            = "&add"; studentcoursedetails_load(); 

you should rather use

studentcoursedetails_load(null, null); 

obviously there can further error may face @ runtime.


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