ruby - Rails 4- Associations -Tutorial Movielist -

hi trying use rails on rest 2 - movielist tutorial rails 4 , making adjustments go new rails. stuck on associations of movies roles. have added movie.rb

class movie < activerecord::base      has_many :roles, :dependent => :destroy   has_many :people, :through => :roles validates_presence_of :title   def new_role=(values)     values.each |i, hash|       unless hash[:name].blank?         roles.create(:person_id => hash[:person_id], :name => hash[:name])       end     end   end   def deleted_roles=(values)    values.each |role_id|       roles.find(role_id).destroy     end   end  end 

and show _form.html.rb render (excert below)

 <b>add new people</b><br />     <% (1..3).each |i| %>       <%= select_tag 'movie_new_role_person_id', options_for_select(@people), {         :name => "movie[new_role][#{i}][person_id]"       } %>       <%= text_field_tag 'movie_new_role_name', '', {         :name => "movie[new_role][#{i}][name]"       } %><br />     <% end %>   </p>    <p>     <%= f.submit "update" %>   </p> 

it renders list choose when submit - nothing written database table. if manually enter data in database displays on movielist page ie: "stephen spielberg - director" etc... appreciated- driving me nuts @ stage

i thought might params driven restriction not have example of associations style params filter



after debugging including chicagogrrl's !flag investigated params.permits in movies_controller again , figured have add method types list of excepted. not find detailed info on syntax trial , error paid off.

  app/controllers/movies_controllers.rb (excerpt)  ......      # never trust parameters scary internet, allow white list through.       def movie_params        params.require(:movie).permit(:title,:description, :rating, :role, :deleted_roles=>[],          :new_role=> ['person_id', 'name'])      end 


the delete_roles=>[] takes array params , process delete_roles method in movies.rb new_role=>['person_id', 'name'] takes new_role individual params.

i hope saves else time andif needs anymore info ask again alan


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