ios - how to access value json object in objective c -

i have json file down code:

{"filecontent":[{"name":"directorffdsgfg","type":"file","ext":"sql","modified":"2013\/04\/11 - 10:00","created":"2013\/04\/11 - 10:00","size":"1577"},{"name":"directory02","type":"file","ext":"sql","modified":"2013\/04\/11 - 12:10","created":"2013\/04\/11 - 12:10","size":"1577"},{"name":"jquery-mousewheel-master","type":"file","ext":"zip","modified":"2013\/04\/11 - 12:10","created":"2013\/04\/11 - 12:10","size":"5213"}],"foldercontent":[{"name":"folder 2","type":"folder","ext":"sql","modified":"2013\/04\/11 - 05:04","created":"2013\/04\/11 - 05:04","size":"1577"},{"name":"folder 1","type":"folder","ext":"zip","modified":"2013\/04\/15 - 09:08","created":"2013\/04\/15 - 09:08","size":"11867"}],"files":9,"folders":2} 

i want know access value in object json. (for example want access value of files , folders , filecontent , foldercontent)

i dont know it.

json dictionary, , can use nsjsonserialization convert string dictionary:

nsdata *jsondata = [jsonstring datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; nsdictionary *json = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:jsondata options:0 error:nil]; 

then can access properties key, folder content array:

nsarray *foldercontent = [json objectforkey:@"foldercontent"]; 


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