iphone - draw infinite sine wave using UIBezier curve -

i have task draw sin wave user birthdate infinite using uibezier curve , create using below code :

for (int i= 0; i<=app.noofdaysdifference; i++) {  [path1 addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(i*cwidth+100, 55-(sin(2*3.141592654*i/23))*cheight)];  [path2 addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(i*cwidth+100, 55-(sin(2*3.141592654*i/28))*cheight)];  [path3 addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(i*cwidth+100, 55-(sin(2*3.141592654*i/33))*cheight)];   }      [path2 setlinewidth:2.5];     [path3 setlinewidth:2.5];     [path1 setlinewidth:2.5];      [[uicolor bluecolor] set];     [path1 stroke];     [[uicolor redcolor] set];     [path2 stroke];     [[uicolor greencolor] set];     [path3 stroke]; 

but take time draw due no of days. yes have 1 more idea should use queue technique draw first 200 point again 200 till no of days. suggest me logic take short time draw .


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