hadoop - oozie Coordinator for Historic dates -

i want run oozie coordinator historic dates , pass date parameter script in workflow. how do that?

can put start date old date ? catch up? , frequency should add it.

yes, when submit coordinator start date in past catches up. starts execution setting concurrency=1 saves cluster heavy load. can set execution=lifo if want process new files first. more info http://oozie.apache.org/docs/3.3.2/coordinatorfunctionalspec.html

i'm posting modified sample answer how schedule sqoop action using oozie

create coordinator.xml file:

<coordinator-app name="sample-coord" xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.2"                   frequency="${coord:days(7)}"                  start="${start}"                  end=  "${end}"                   timezone="america/new_york">      <controls>         <timeout>${timeout}</timeout>         <concurrency>1</concurrency>     </controls>      <datasets>         <dataset name="data"                  frequency="${coord:days(7)}"                  initial-instance="${start}" timezone="america/new_york">             <uri-template>${data_path}/${year}/${month}/${day}</uri-template>             <done-flag/>         </dataset>     </datasets>      <input-events>         <data-in name="data_in" dataset="data">             <instance>${coord:current(0)}</instance>         </data-in>     </input-events>      <action>         <workflow>             <app-path>${wf_application_path}</app-path>              <configuration>                 <property>                     <name>input</name>                     <value>${coord:datain('data_in')}</value>                 </property>             </configuration>         </workflow>     </action> </coordinator-app> 

specify properties used in above file in coordinator.properties:

host=namenode01 namenode=hdfs://${host}:8020  wf_application_path=${namenode}/oozie/deployments/example oozie.coord.application.path=${wf_application_path}  data_path=${namenode}/data  start=2013-08-01t01:00z end=2013-08-19t23:59z timeout=10 

upload coordinator.xml file hdfs , submit coordinator job like

oozie job -config coordinator.properties -run 


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