MS Access VBA DownloadFile returning error -2147467260 -

i trying download file internet , getting error code: -2147467260. location can accessed no issues ie. code using:

declare function urldownloadtofile lib "urlmon" alias _     "urldownloadtofilea" (byval pcaller long, _     byval szurl string, _     byval szfilename string, _     byval dwreserved long, _     byval lpfncb long) long  function downloadfile(url string, localfilename string) boolean     dim lngretval      long     lngretval = urldownloadtofile(0, url, localfilename, 0, 0)     if lngretval = 0 downloadfile = true end function 

apparently, error number means operation aborted or transaction aborted.

the second link question here @ stack overflow , answer says works when run program admin.

so there 2 things can try:

  1. run admin, mentioned before
  2. try different file (to sure). example, i'm on windows 7 right now, user has admin privileges , downloaded this file code question.


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