objective c - Why is second value (Null) when reading data from plist? -

this problem makegameswith.us website , peeved penguin project. attempting modify read level data plist rather gamelayer.mm, first sprite data reads in expected second pass through while loop returns (null) sprite name. i've looked @ plist, both sprites should have same file name "tallblock".

here relevant snippet of code:

cclog(@"about load level data.");      // load level data , draw level sprits     nsstring *path = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"level1" oftype:@"plist"];     nsdictionary *level = [nsdictionary dictionarywithcontentsoffile:path];     nsarray *levelblocks = [level objectforkey:@"blocks"]; // capitalization matters      nsenumerator *enumerator = [levelblocks objectenumerator];     id object;     nsstring *spritename;     nsstring *spritefile;     nsnumber *xpos;     nsnumber *ypos;      // 1 of sprite names invalid...     while (object = [enumerator nextobject])     {         spritename = [object objectforkey: @"spritename"];         spritefile = [spritename stringbyappendingstring:@".png"];          cclog(@"sprite file : %@", spritefile); // second sprite doesn't load null...         sprite = [ccsprite spritewithfile: spritefile];         xpos = [object objectforkey: @"x"];         ypos = [object objectforkey: @"y"];         sprite.position = cgpointmake([xpos floatvalue], [ypos floatvalue]);         [blocks addobject:sprite];         [self addchild: sprite                      z: 7];     }      cclog(@"finished loading level data."); 

i put problem/issue in official forum, i've received no advice. i've stepped through code many times in debugger , don't understand why finds tallblocks on pass 1 not on pass two.

i took screenshot of plist file. ideas why code fails on second sprite?

plist screen shot

there's r missing in item 1's spritename...


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