async:false option not working in $.ajax() , is it depreciated in jQuery 1.8+ for all use cases? -
i'm confused using async: false option $.ajax(). according $.ajax() documentation:
as of jquery 1.8, use of async: false jqxhr ($.deferred) deprecated; must use success/error/complete callback options instead of corresponding methods of jqxhr object such jqxhr.done() or deprecated jqxhr.success().
i don't know jqxhr ($.deferred) means. using async:false reason depreciated, or jqxhr ($.deferred) sort of special use case?
i ask i'm having trouble getting $.ajax() call happen asynchronously.this jquery 1.8.2:
var ret = {}; $.ajax({ async: false, method: 'get', contenttype: 'application/json', datatype: 'jsonp', url: '/couchdbserver', error: myerr, success: function(data) { var rows = data.rows; //something takes long time for(var row in rows) { ret[rows[row].key] = rows[row].value; } console.log('tick'); } }); console.log('tock'); console.log(json.stringify(ret))
my console output is:
am doing wrong, or doing wrong?
you trying use jsonp techinque async:false @ same time. not possible. jsonp creating script
element , appending somewhere document, it's not xhr , jquery can't pass sync flag anywhere. since data same origin, change datatype
datatype: 'json',
however, can tell synchronous requests not hang browser. should use them in small number of cases.
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