java - Drawn Image In OpenGL Comes Out Wrong Size And With Black Boxes In It -

im trying work on java project includes lwjgl. have come far "game" im drawing image screen.

the problem im getting drawn image gets drawn black boxes in , not correct size. here image of how looks visually.

here how actualy red square image should like:

here code use rendering opengl, cannot figure out im doing wrong.

public class renderer {  //integers used player cordinates, taken player class using static variables int playerx; int playery;  spritesheetloader spriteloader; texture player;  public renderer(){  }  public void initrenderer(){     //initialize opengl     gl11.glmatrixmode(gl11.gl_projection);     gl11.glloadidentity(); // resets previous projection matrices     gl11.glortho(0, 800, 600, 0, 1, -1);     gl11.glmatrixmode(gl11.gl_modelview);              try {     player = textureloader.gettexture("png",resourceloader.getresourceasstream("res/paddletemp.png"));     } catch (ioexception e) {         // todo auto-generated catch block         e.printstacktrace();     }  }  public void update(){     gl11.glclear( gl11.gl_color_buffer_bit | gl11.gl_depth_buffer_bit );     playerx = player.playerx; //gets player x , y player class using static variables     playery = player.playery;      player.bind();      gl11.glbegin(gl11.gl_quads);         gl11.gltexcoord2f(0, 0);  //top left         gl11.glvertex2f(playerx, playery);          gl11.gltexcoord2f(1,0);    //top right         gl11.glvertex2f(playerx + 50, playery);          gl11.gltexcoord2f(1, 1); //bottom right         gl11.glvertex2f(playerx + 50, playery + 150);          gl11.gltexcoord2f(0, 1); //bottom left         gl11.glvertex2f(playerx, playery + 150);     gl11.glend(); } 

sorry, i'm not absolutely sure problem is. can't seem reproduce afterwards, unfortunately. yet figured should solved 1 of following:

  • unsupported image size

opengl relies heavily on images, resolution's width , height powers of 2 (when width/height=n*2). if images files aren't specification, lwjgl might act oddly. also, don't worry image files being squished. that's dependent on vertex input, not on texture input.

  • unsupported image extension

try saving image files non-interlaced png files. slick_util, or whatever use loading image files, might not support images you're giving it.

  • correction hints

as last resort, add following lines of code initialization code:

glhint(gl_perspective_correction_hint, gl_nicest); glhint(gl_line_smooth_hint, gl_nicest); 

hopefully 1 of these tips helps you.

source: lwjgl not rendering textures correctly?


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