javascript - How to get checked nodes in jquery jstree -

i have created 1 jquery jstree , it's working fine. problem how the checked nodes details.

for creating jstree code is:

$(function () { $("#tree").jstree({      "json_data" : {         "data" : [             {"data":"pe_opensourcescanning","id":0,"pid":-1,"children":  [{"data":"tags","id":30,"pid":0},{"data":"branches","id":29,"pid":0},{"data":"trunk","id":1,"pid":0,"children":[{"data":"import-export","id":28,"pid":1},{"data":"custom_development","id":12,"pid":1},{"data":"connectors","id":7,"pid":1},{"data":"support","id":6,"pid":1},{"data":"installation-configuration","id":5,"pid":1},{"data":"backup","id":2,"pid":1}]}]}         ]     },     "plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data", "checkbox", "ui" ] }).bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) { alert("id")); }); 

now while getting checked nodes need attributes values checked elements. "tags" json object looks {"data":"tags","id":30,"pid":0}, if user select tag need value of "data" , "id". have tried write code unfortunately not working.

getting checked nodes.

$("#" +div2.childnodes[i].id).jstree("get_checked",null,true).each        (function () {           alert(;          alert(;   });  

kindly give me solution.

  function submitme(){          var checked_ids = [];          $("#server_tree").jstree("get_checked",null,true).each              (function () {                  checked_ids.push(;              });             dostuff(checked_ids);  

go through once jstree google groups


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