jquery - Datepicker not showing over a frame -

i have frameset 2 frames inside, 1 on top opening datepicker, not showing due lower frame...

i have tried increasing z-index of ui-datepicker-div it's not working.

i'm posting image can clarify doubts question:

enter image description here

if cannot done, i'm open new solutions (was thinking on opening dialog, think mess).

thanks in advance!

(i can't create demo on jsfiddle cause apparently not showing frameset inside frame)

one solution (hack) after datepicker shown, scroll bottom of frame display whole datepicker.


$(".mydatepickers").datepicker({      beforeshow: function(input, inst) {         // there's no on-/after show event datepicker (closest beforeshow),          // use timeout-hack wait until datepicker has rendered         // , scroll.         settimeout(function() {             // document height, position + size              // of datepicker scroll datepicker show.             var scrollto = $(document).height();              // , scroll new position.             $("html, body").scrolltop(scrollto);         }, 500); // increase/decrease timeout needed.     }  }); 

if have content after datepicker, can position of datepicker , offset size of datepicker scroll position.


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