json - The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send -

i have wcf service using webhttpbinding returning json. service makes request twitter api ver 1.1 tweets. service works fine on local machine , on our production machine, error on our dev machine.

"the underlying connection closed: unexpected error occurred on send."

  • the web.config files identical (other values ie connection strings etc)
  • the code on each server same.
  • i've verified both servers have same anti-virus running, , it's date.
  • i've checked iis settings , they're same , both servers
  • i increased maxreceivedmessagesize , maxbuffersize values in webhttpbinding
  • i increased maxitemsinobjectgraph value in datacontractserializer
  • i increased service's timeout value
  • i added service site on dev server , returns same error
  • i've read every post on stackoverflow related error had no luck

this leads me believe on dev machine causing error, i'm not sure what. missing? there server setting cause error?

any suggestions welcome. thanks

thanks suggestions everyone. issue caused filtering done our server admin. since don't filter traffic on our dev server, wasn't having issues.


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