sencha touch - Dyanamically tab content adding issue -

here code in sencha. im having 4 tabs when click button action in tab content new view has been added in tab bar code

var wishlist = {             standardsubmit : false,             items: [                     {                     xtype: 'fieldset',                     scope:this,                     defaults: {                     required: true,                     labelalign: 'left',                     },                     title: 'hom',                     items: [                                                           {                             xtype: 'textfield',                             name : 'password',                             label: 'category',                             useclearicon: true                             },{                             xtype: 'textfield',                             name : 'password',                             label: 'location',                             useclearicon: true                             }],                      },                      {                              xtype:  'button',                              text:   'add wish',                              ui:     'confirm',                              handler: function()                              {                             //here when click other view has been added in tab bar                             view.setactiveitem(0, {type:'fade', direction:'left'});                             view.setactiveitem({                                        title: 'add wish',                                        items: [wishlist]                                        });                       });                       },                     }]             }; 

tab bar integeration code here

  var view = ext.create('ext.tabpanel', {                        fullscreen: false,                        tabbarposition: 'bottom',                        items: [{                                title: 'home',                                iconcls: 'home',                                items: [{                                        xtype: 'toolbar',                                        title: 'my items',                                        },wishlist]                                 },                                {                                title: 'items',                                iconcls: 'star',                                items: [{                                        xtype: 'toolbar',                                        title: 'add items',                                        },signinformbase]                                },                                {                                title: 'profile',                                iconcls: 'user',                                items: [{                                        xtype: 'toolbar',                                        title: 'my profile',                                        },wishlist]                                },{                                title: 'friends',                                iconcls: 'team',                                items: [{                                        xtype: 'toolbar',                                        title: 'friends',                                        },wishlist]                                },                         }); 

please me sort out

you need start sencha docs , start building simple application.

learn sencha class system

in sencha framework folder there examples folder can find many examples there, use start leaning , experiment it.

then, need know more specific concepts store , mvc pattern

if not familiar mvc then

mvc in depth part 1

mvc in depth part 2

useful link


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