Groovy equivalent to Scala trait stackable modifications? -

i have been going through programming scala book(by martin odersky,lex spoon,bill venners ed1) , came across traits. section find interesting stackable modifications. example used

abstract class intqueue {   def get(): int   def put(x: int) } trait incrementing extends intqueue {   abstract override def put(x: int) {super.put(x+1)} }   trait filtering extends intqueue{   abstract override def put(x: int){     if(x >=0) super.put(x)   } } 

so example provided has concrete class "basicintqueue extends intqueue follows

import scala.collection.mutable.arraybuffer  class basicintqueue extends intqueue{   private val buf = new arraybuffer[int]   def get() = buf.remove(0)   def put(x: int) {buf +=x} } 

scala> val queue = (new basicintqueue incrementing filtering)

scala> queue.put(-1);queue.put(0);queue.put(1)

scala> queue.get() = 1

so example shows both filtering , incrementing "chained" , executed before elements "put" queue.

i wondering how accomplished in groovy. maybe not needed because of groovy's meta-programability.

groovy doesn't have natural way stackable traits. categories provide of trait functionality, they're not suited overriding methods , can't stacked without metaclass magic.

a better approach in groovy apply decorator pattern along @delegate annotation. each "trait" can override appropriate behavior , delegate "super" class. example:

interface intqueue {     def get()     def put(x) }  class incrementing implements intqueue {     @delegate intqueue self     def put(x) {         self.put(x+1)     } }  class filtering implements intqueue {     @delegate intqueue self     def put(x) {         if (x >= 0) {             self.put(x)         }     } }  class basicintqueue implements intqueue {   private buf = []   def get() { buf.pop() }   def put(x) { buf << x } } 

you construct object desired traits so:

def q = new filtering(self: new incrementing(self: new basicintqueue())) 


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