ios - AutoLayout - Resizing UILabel to its Superview and sizing it -

i have uicollectionview contains cells.

each cell holds 1 uilabel within it. within label 1 letter, acts tile (as such). when more cells added uicollectionview uicollectionviewcells change size following:

-(cgsize)collectionview:(uicollectionview *)collectionview                   layout:(uicollectionviewlayout *)collectionviewlayout   sizeforitematindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath { //    nslog(@"%s",__pretty_function__);      nslog(@"the word array count is: %i",self.wordarray.count);     if (self.wordarray.count <= 5) {         return cgsizemake(50,50);     } else if (self.wordarray.count <= 6 ) {         return cgsizemake(30, 30);     } else if (self.wordarray.count <= 8 ) {         return cgsizemake(10, 10);     } else {         return cgsizemake(100,100);     }  } 

what trying re-size uilabel within cell each time layout changed. how can fit labels size cells size using autolayout? how can update font size based on uilabel size?

you can set following layout constraints:

nsdictionary *viewdictionary = nsdictionaryofvariablebindings(label); nsdictionary *insetmetrics = @{     @"left" : @(10.0f),     @"right" : @(10.0f),     @"top" : @(10.0f),     @"bottom" : @(10.0f) };  [cell addconstraints:[nslayoutconstraint constraintswithvisualformat:@"h:|-(left)-[label]-(right)-|" options:kniloptions metrics:insetmetrics views:viewdictionary]]; [cell addconstraints:[nslayoutconstraint constraintswithvisualformat:@"v:|-(top)-[label]-(bottom)-|" options:kniloptions metrics:insetmetrics views:viewdictionary]]; 

text in uilabel can automatically shrink if set correct properties (see uilabel class reference). if set font size size you'd largest cell, label shrinks, text shrink it.


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