c# - Namespace is not supported with rpc\\literal SOAP. The wrapper element has to be unqualified -

i'm working on integration leasing service provider, runs (i assume) java service.

when add service reference in visual studio 2012, reference created correctly , can call methods specified in service.

the problem arises when response service.

let's call service wrong parameters getcalculation , json response jsonexception. problem is, visual studio throws exception there error reflecting 'jsonexception'. , innerexception: {"namespace='http://service.ecommerce.cetelem.hu/' not supported rpc\\literal soap. wrapper element has unqualified."}

this web.config code:

<system.servicemodel>       <bindings>           <basichttpbinding>               <binding name="ecommerceserviceimplportbinding">                   <security mode="transport" />               </binding>               <binding name="ecommerceserviceimplportbinding1" />           </basichttpbinding>       </bindings>       <client>           <endpoint address="https://ecomdemo.cetelem.hu:443/ecommerce/ecommerceservice"           binding="basichttpbinding" bindingconfiguration="ecommerceserviceimplportbinding"           contract="ceteleminstallmentsservice.ecommerceservice" name="ecommerceserviceimplport" />       </client>   </system.servicemodel> 

if of help, i'm using webapi user "front-end".

thank answers!

i figured thing out eventually, of post on so: soap requests in .net

all needed change in service refence file was:

[system.servicemodel.xmlserializerformatattribute(style = system.servicemodel.operationformatstyle.rpc, supportfaults = true)] 


[system.servicemodel.xmlserializerformatattribute(style = system.servicemodel.operationformatstyle.document, supportfaults = true)] 


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