java - Deploy Applet on Apache server -

i've written java applet game want deploy on apache server. code + resources in self signed .jar accompanying html doc both in root dir. run on local machine works fine. when try run on server class not found exception. index.html contains

<applet code=spaceraiderz.class    archive=spaceraiderz.jar    width=1024 height=768>   </applet> 

the class not found class named above. opened .jar , contents complete. file permissions set 755. if click index.html on local machine loads , runs perfectly. ftp same docs server , doesn't work. had problem? found similar question on here none of suggested solutions have worked in case.

the applet (seen here) works (e.g. showing asteroids style game featuring pale green ship appears suspiciously familiar + sound track) me in java 1.7.0_21 on windows using ff. refreshing class cache in console & refresh page might fix problem you.

if fails, there still more options testing applet:

  • usually installing browser (these things due problem in particular browser/jre combo.).
  • there appleteer applet testing environment. can highly recommend it, since wrote it.
  • go internet cafe or local library check applet, if else fails.


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