scripting - Monitor Drive. Using VB Script -
i want monitor drive file changes, using vbscript. have below code. works fine instancecreationevent
, instancedeletionevent
. instancemodificationevent
not happening. googling got know need use cim_datafile
instead of cim_directorycontainsfile
monitor instancemodificationevent
. not sure how modify code. can help.
fyi: 1 script should monitor folders , subfolders in drive.
ps: suggestion improve code , performance or other ideas welcome.
my code:
dim arrfolders dim strcomputer dim objwmiservice dim strfolder dim strcommand dim dim strquery strchangefile = "monitorfolder_log.txt" strmailidfile = "monitorfolder_mailids.txt" 'check if log file exists, if not ceate new file , exit script. restart script again. set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if not ofso.fileexists(strchangefile) 'wscript.echo "change log file not found. creating new file..." set otxtfile = ofso.createtextfile(strchangefile) wscript.echo strchangefile & " file created." & vbcrlf & "please restart script." & vbcrlf wscript.quit end if 'prompt drive should monitored. if not valid drive, exit script. strdrive = inputbox("enter drive monitor: " & vbcrlf & "e.g.: input c monitor c:\ drive.", "monitor folder - oracle", "e") if strdrive = "" wscript.echo "not valid drive. terminating script." wscript.quit end if 'append ":" drive name. strdrive = strdrive & ":" 'read mail ids. set objfsomailid = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set otsmailid = objfsomailid.opentextfile(strmailidfile) strmailidslist = otsmailid.readall otsmailid.close 'wscript.echo strmailidslist 'array store existing folder paths should monitored. arrfolders = array() = 0 set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") showsubfolders fso.getfolder(strdrive) sub showsubfolders(folder) each subfolder in folder.subfolders = + 1 folderpath = "" & subfolder.path & "" folderpath = replace(folderpath ,"\","\\\\") redim preserve arrfolders(i) arrfolders(i) = folderpath 'wscript.echo & " " & arrfolders(i) showsubfolders subfolder next end sub 'set first path drive. arrfolders(0) = strdrive & "\\\\" 'use wmi query file changes. strcomputer = "." set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2") 'loop throught array of folders setting monitor each = 0 each strfolder in arrfolders 'create event sink 'wscript.echo "setup folder: " & strfolder & vblf strcommand = "set eventsink" & & " = wscript.createobject" & "(""wbemscripting.swbemsink"", ""sink" & & "_"")" executeglobal strcommand 'setup notification strquery = "select * " _ & "from __instanceoperationevent " _ & "within 1 " _ & "where targetinstance isa 'cim_directorycontainsfile'" _ & " , targetinstance.groupcomponent = " & "'""" & strfolder & """'" strcommand = "objwmiservice.execnotificationqueryasync eventsink" & & ", strquery" executeglobal strcommand 'create onobjectready sub strcommand = "sub sink" & & "_onobjectready(objobject, " & "objasynccontext)" & vblf _ & " 'wscript.echo objobject.targetinstance.partcomponent" & vblf _ & " sendnotification(objobject)" & vblf _ & "end sub" 'wscript.echo strcommand executeglobal strcommand = + 1 next 'wait events. wscript.echo "waiting events..." = 0 while (true) wscript.sleep(1000) wend function sendnotification(objobject) streventtype = objobject.path_.class strpartcomp = split(objobject.targetinstance.partcomponent, "=") strfilename = replace(strpartcomp(1), "\\", "\") wscript.echo streventtype wscript.echo strfilename 'some more code send mail , logs... end function
monitoring entire filesystem file creation not feasible. eat system resources , might severly affect system operation. ever monitor selected folders. following should work:
const interval = 1 set monitor = createmonitor("c:\foo") set evt = monitor.nextevent() select case evt.path_.class case "__instancecreationevent" : sendnotification evt.targetinstance case "__instancemodificationevent" : ... case "__instancedeletionevent" : ... end select loop function createmonitor(path) set wmi = getobject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2") set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") path = split(fso.getabsolutepathname(path), ":") drv = path(0) & ":" dir = replace(path(1), "\", "\\") if right(dir, 2) <> "\\" dir = dir & "\\" query = "select * __instanceoperationevent" & _ " within " & interval & _ " targetinstance isa 'cim_datafile'" & _ " ,'" & drv & "'" & _ " , targetinstance.path='" & dir & "'" set createmonitor = wmi.execnotificationquery(query) end function sub sendnotification(tgtinst) 'send notification end sub
you should run monitors different folders separate processes, because nextevent()
blocking operation.
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