Passing an environment-variable into a php commandline script -

i want set environment-variable, access in php, cannot find how so.

in (linux) shell, run:

$ app_env="development" $ export $app_env 

then run simple test script testenv.php:

<?php print $_env["app_env"]; print getenv("app_env"); 

from same shell variable set:

$ php testenv.php 

this prints nothing , throws notice:

notice: undefined index: app_env in /xxxx/envtest.php on line 2 

notice makes sense, because app_env not found in environment-variables, getenv() throws no warning returns nothing.

what missing?

don't use $ in export command, should be:

export app_env 

you can combine assignment:

export app_env="development" 

with $, doing:

export development 


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