Zend Framework 2 layout.phtml -

so, can write code in controller affect view... code layout.phtml read from? (i assuming module.php, i'd feedback)

edit: clear... in controller, can variable equal , access in view. i'd discover similar action inside layout.


you ask various questions in single post. try address few of them.

how layout work?

in zend framework 2 there concept of "view models". view model object has couple of variables , template assigned. template rendered given variables.

furthermore, can nest view models. 1 view model (the "layout") has child created controller. child rendered , stored variable in parent view model. name of variable called "capture to".

what happens, have controller , view model created. view model inserted child view model in new model, layout. child set "capture to" of content. in layout, result of child view model inserted in $content variable.

how access layout variables in controller?

there a layout controller plugin gives direct access layout view model. can set variables directly there:

public function indexaction() {     $this->layout()->setvariable('foo', 'bar'); } 

then $foo echos bar in layout.

how access layout variables in view script?

there a layout view helper gives direct access layout view model. can set variables there too:

<?php $this->layout()->foo = 'bar';?> 

then $foo echos bar in layout.


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