arrays - Javascript Split URL -

i want split specific parts of url, here have far.

<script type='text/javascript'> var query = window.location.pathname.split( '/' ); query = window.location.pathname.split( '.html' );  var redirectpath = "" window.location.href = redirectpath + query; </script> 

the url structure this: 

the variable query outputs this; page,2013,05,some-page-title

i want some-page-title part , remove hyphens.

so final output page title

how possible? please help!! thanks

split returns array, use array!

var parts = window.location.pathname.split( '/' ); var query = parts[parts.length-1].split( '.html' );  query[0]= query[0].replace(/-/g," ");     var redirectpath = "" window.location.href = redirectpath + query[0]; 

this assuming want part of url after last /


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