python 2.7 - Comparing string with django request -

i have doubt, developing websites , using django-categories, got problem might sounds stupid cannot understand. case trying url /blog/c/categoria1/subcategoria11/subcategoria-3 , in database have 2 registers coincides finishing subcategoria-3 know second 1 correct.


def categoria(request ):     category = getcategory(request.path)     return render_to_response('blog/categoria.html',{'categoria':category},requestcontext(request))  def getcategory(url):     categories = url.split('/')     category in category.objects.filter(slug = categories[-1]):        if category.get_absolute_url == url:           return category     return false 


{{categoria}}<br> {{request.path}} 

the html generated is

false<br> /blog/c/categoria1/subcategoria11/subcategoria-3 

but if modify getcategory function code

def getcategory(url):     categories = url.split('/')     category in category.objects.filter(slug = categories[-1]):        if category.get_absolute_url == url:           return category     return category.get_absolute_url      #i receive absolute_url of second register correct 1     return false 

with function html generated

/blog/c/categoria1/subcategoria11/subcategoria-3<br> /blog/c/categoria1/subcategoria11/subcategoria-3 

if receive response, don't know why receive false value , not category when comparison second register


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