AngularJS promises and timing with custom filters -
i'm having massive headache right regarding custom filters timing. have demo (learning angular) gallery app in using custom filter checkboxes select different categories of photos.
the simptoms: when using custom filter on ng-repeat directive noticed ... after few hours of debugging got conclusion problem data json not there when filter runs, though without filter seems load ok.
here plnkr (i copy pasted code, modified bit, not working yet, fix in morning, code)
i started using deferring , promises in services fetches json data controllers , else wait data load, [services]
angular.module('services', []).factory('getallposts', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function($http, $q, $timeout) { //defining promised based api var deffered = $q.defer(); //the getdata function var getdata = function() { //defining empty data array var thedata = {}; //using $http dat $http.get('/wordpress/api/get_recent_posts/').success(function(data) { // prepare data here //assigning our data thedata array. // // new stuff here, pushing data 1 one populate array faster isn't emtpy .. ?! thedata.length = 0; (var = 0; < data.length; i++) { thedata.push(data[i]); } thedata = data; }); //setting timeout data , waiting if necesarry. $timeout(function() { deffered.resolve(thedata); }, 1000); //when s done, return promise... think so. ?! return deffered.promise; } return { //creating getdata handler use in controllers. getdata: getdata }; }])
my controller [controller]
.controller('listcontroller', ['$scope', 'getallposts', 'getcategories', '$location', function($scope, getallposts, getcategories) { $ = 'list'; getallposts.getdata().then(function(data) { return $scope.posts = data.posts; }); getcategories.get(function(data){ return $scope.categories = data.categories; }) } ])
i'm using getdata().then() fetch while it's loaded.
i realize not telling same thing filter [filter]
angular.module('filters', []) .filter('checkboxfilter', function($filter) { return function(post, prefs) { var i, j, k, n, out, matchingpost = []; // loop through post (i = 0; < post.length; i++) { console.log('i passed length ... wtf?') out = false; n = 0; if (prefs) { // each item, loop through checkboxes categories (j = 0; j < prefs.length; j++) { // each category, loop through checkboxes categories of current category (k = 0; k < prefs[j].categories.length; k++) { // test if current item property name same filter name if (post[i][prefs[j].slug] === prefs[j].categories[k].slug) { // test if checkbox checked property (prefs[j].categories[k].value) ? n++ : out = true; break; } } if (out) break; // if 1 filter in each categories true, add item matchingpost if (n === prefs.length) { matchingpost.push(post[i]); } } } } return matchingpost; } })
the thing started reading angular book , didn't understood many things went hands on experience, every bit falls place 1 ... i've been spending time on it. think if take on again make more sense.
question: how rid of errors , make filter read data after it's been loaded?
side-question: through different service outputting existing categories in backbone (wordpress) , ng-repeat them in checkboxes, how link checkboxes results of filters? (it isn't obvious me yet, though have seen examples....)
side-question 2: why requests multiply, in first screenshot posted, no wait, part talking ... have 44 posts far, after data there, filter calls again.
this behaviour hapenned on other things ... wondering doing wrong.
annotation: using angular 1.2.0rc1 of tonight, behaviors appeared other versions used:, 1.1.5.
i think real way override default $interpolateprovider
enable filters return promises. way, defer rendering of filtered expressions until resolved.
remember, though, cannot chained filters trivially. forced rewrite $parse
enable support chaining of promises.
i faced same problem @ moment, , such, might go ahead , it. if so, make sure post link answer on github repository project (
another (mostly) easy way pass arbitrary argument filter updated via http call (or other means):
.controller("mycontroller", function ($scope, $q, $timeout) { $scope.result = null; var deferred = $q.defer(); $timeout(function () { $scope.result = [1, 2, 3, 4]; }, 2000); });
here have updated result via timeout, don't have way. demonstration. update $scope.result
in way choose.
here sample filter, include even numbers in result:
.filter('even', function () { return function (input) { if (!angular.isarray(input)) { return input; } var result = []; angular.foreach(input, function (x) { if (x % 2 == 0) { result.push(x); } }); return result; } });
now, in view, can use them together, way:
<div ng-controller="mycontroller"> <ul ng-if="result.length"> <!-- nice not pollute dom empty lists --> <li ng-repeat="item in result | even">{{item}}</li> </ul> </div>
after couple of seconds or so, list should populated , ngrepeat
directive should receive filtered result.
the trick, here, have made digest cycle happen particular result
variable, means filter being fed variable re-executed, in turns means happen smoothly , expected.
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