c# - Query String Value always 0 -
this easy one, cannot see wrong..
i have string being added url: /projects.aspx?pid=3
and in code behind trying grab value so:
public partial class projects : system.web.ui.page { public int pid { get; set; } protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { if (!page.ispostback) { pid = convert.toint32(request.querystring["pid"]); //this returning 0 when should have value. databind(true); populatetestsuitelist(); } testsuitesdatalist.itemcommand += new repeatercommandeventhandler(this.item_command); }
when try @ value of pid in other functions, gives me '0'. don't see why won't give me 3 should?
here example functions:
private void executeinsert(string testsuitename, string testsuitedescription, int projectid) { sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(getconnectionstring()); string sql = "insert testsuites (projectid, testsuitename, testsuitedescription) values " + " (@projectid,@testsuitename,@testsuitedescription)"; try { conn.open(); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, conn); sqlparameter[] param = new sqlparameter[3]; param[0] = new sqlparameter("@testsuitename", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 50); param[1] = new sqlparameter("@testsuitedescription", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 200); param[2] = new sqlparameter("@projectid", sqldbtype.int); param[0].value = testsuitename; param[1].value = testsuitedescription; param[2].value = pid; (int = 0; < param.length; i++) { cmd.parameters.add(param[i]); } cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text; cmd.executenonquery(); } catch (system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception ex) { string msg = "insert error:"; msg += ex.message; throw new exception(msg); } { conn.close(); } } protected void addtestsuitebutton_click(object sender, eventargs e) { //checks whether test suite name exists in database , stops duplicates being added same project string checkexistsquery = "select testsuitename testsuites testsuitename = @testsuitename , @projectid = " + pid; sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(getconnectionstring()); sqlcommand checkexistscmd = new sqlcommand(checkexistsquery, conn); sqlparameter c1 = new sqlparameter("testsuitename", txttestsuitename.text); sqlparameter c2 = new sqlparameter("projectid", pid); checkexistscmd.parameters.add(c1); checkexistscmd.parameters.add(c2); conn.open(); sqldatareader rd = checkexistscmd.executereader(); if (rd.hasrows) { lbladdtestsuitemessage.text = "oops, project name exists."; rd.close(); conn.close(); } else { string formattedtestsuitedescription = txttestsuitedescription.text.replace("\r\n", "<br />"); //call method execute insert database executeinsert(txttestsuitename.text, formattedtestsuitedescription, pid); lbladdtestsuitemessage.text = "project has been added successfully"; clearcontrols(page); } rd.close(); conn.close(); response.redirect(request.rawurl); }
in same code behind, function seems happily pulling correct data , displaying on page - using pid well??
private void populatetestsuitelist() { sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(getconnectionstring()); conn.open(); string sql = "select testsuiteid, projectid, testsuitename, testsuitedescription testsuites projectid = " + pid + "order testsuitename asc"; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, conn); sqldatareader rd = cmd.executereader(); while (rd.read()) { testsuitesdatalist.datasource = rd; testsuitesdatalist.databind(); } conn.close(); }
this caused not understanding page life cycle. setting pid
on page_load
, using somewhere when page not yet loaded or re-loaded (e.g. after postback).
if pid
value query string , need use on postback, need store in session variable or hidden field on page. assigning page class variable not persist doing here.
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