c# - Can't retrieve InputOutput SqlParameter anymore -

i have strange behavior in web application started happening week. when worked before cannot retrieve inputoutput parameters sql server anymore. syntax in procedures same, need retrieve identity values tables continue process.

sqlparameter paramid = new sqlparameter("@id", objmyvalueid); paramid.direction = parameterdirection.inputoutput; 

after executing sp executenonquery null values (or value set in inputoutput parameter).

paramid.value --> (always null) 

it's collection remains still , can't modified. there setting in sql server or configuration parameter connection string affect behavior? happens in every stored procedure execute , worked before.

well, came conclusion (finally) our fault , error clear. after tracking commits in svn found of team included new feature core of database interaction assembly. avoid repeating code in data layer of parameters inferred .net type. keeps simple , separates layer of engine (sql server, oracle, mysql, etc) in 1 of commits override parameter insert function made, causes lose "direction" value due incorrect cloning. that's problem, found including source code of database layer , debugging exact injection of parameters command, there see direction value lost. help, appreciate how community helps me.


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