ffmpeg and gnu parallel -

my work require me encode few thousand movies in few days. each movie needs encoded in 3 different formats. use ffmpeg output these formats in parallel single read of input source detailed here: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/creating%20multiple%20outputs

in addition, using gnu parallel encode multiple video files in parallel. have 4 blade servers of different configurations (48, 32, 16 , 16 cores) encoding videos in parallel. ideally, should able encode 112 videos in parallel.

however, seems encoding completes faster on machines lesser cores. have 16 completed encodes on 16 core servers in around 4 hours, while takes close 10 hours 48 encodes complete on 48 core system. bottleneck? typical encode command follows:

ffmpeg -i sample.mpg -y -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -level 30 -acodec libfdk_aac -ab 128k -ac 2 -b:v 500k -threads 1  encoded/sample_enc.mp4 

any pointers highly appreciated. thanks!

1 encoding split on several n core ok n encoding in parallel 1 per core cause bandwidth saturation ...

try activate 4 thread each transcoder speed throughput of 1 video , limit 2 or 3 number of video encode in parallel depend of memory have , of bandwidth , of video (sd vs hd example)


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