node.js - Why page not redirecting in AngularJS+Express -

i making demo site angular express seed brian ford (thanks lot), after edit post not redirecting listing url. edit operation doing fine not redirecting listing page after hit submit button . in chrome showing pending in status never ends... codes bellow:

angular controller

function editpostctrl($scope, $http, $location, $routeparams) {     $scope.form = {};     $http.get('/api/posts/details/' + $         success(function(data) {            $scope.form =;         });      $scope.editpost = function () {         $'/api/posts/edit/' + $, $scope.form).             success(function(data) {                 $location.path('/posts');             });     }; }; 

express app'/api/posts/edit/:id',api.adminlogincheck,api.editpost); 


exports.editpost = function (req, res,next) {     console.log("editpost");      var id =;     req.body.slug = req.body.title.split(' ').join('-').tolowercase();     delete req.body._id;     mymongodb.update({slug:id},'posts',req.body, function(error,results){         if(error){             console.log(error);             res.json(false);         }else{             res.json(true);         }      }); }; 

what doing wrong? in advance


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