iphone - Transform resets(redraws) all my former moved views -

i'm moving around image views timers , animation blocks. @ same time user can click on few of these views(buttons) , have more animation blocks start moving/resizing/rotating different image views.

changing alpha of views , giving out new cgpoint views works me calling resizing or rotating uiview.transform function seems reset views starting position(from storyboard).

i love able use transform function inside animation block if can't somehow bypass reset not viable option me.

example code:

- (void)movegust:(nstimer*) timer {     if(centercloud1.x >= 1100)     {         centercloud1.x = -79;         gustoutlet.center = centercloud1;     }     if(centercloud2.x >= 1100)     {         centercloud2.x = -79;         cloudoutlet.center = centercloud2;     }      centercloud1 = gustoutlet.center;     centercloud1.x = round(centercloud1.x+10);     centercloud2 = cloudoutlet.center;     centercloud2.x = round(centercloud2.x+8);      [uiview animatewithduration:2 delay:0 options:uiviewanimationoptionallowuserinteraction | uiviewanimationoptioncurvelinear animations:^(void){         gustoutlet.center = centercloud1;         cloudoutlet.center = centercloud2;     }completion:^(bool finished){ }]; }  - (ibaction)signaction:(id)sender {      [uiview animatewithduration:0 animations:^(void) {         signtop.transform = cgaffinetransformscale(signtop.transform, 1.1, 1.1);     }]; } 

any ideas? thanks!

successive transforms need concatenated using cgaffinetransformconcat().

when set view's transform equal new transform, "undo" previous transforms. series of transforms, concatenate them above method.


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