php - Prevent auto html entities in wordpress -

apache 2
php 5.2.9
mysql 5.077
wordpress 3.5.1

after installed wordpress, chose theme named 'sliding door'. then, turned write front page. after finished , pressed 'publish', raw html content turned html entities, this:

when edit in text editor, not visual editor:

this example might this: <blockquote> 

after press 'publish', still in text editor:

this example page. might this: &lt;blockquote&gt; 

this happened when wrote posts , text widget, global configures preventing me submit html codes. converted content plain text automatically. weird.

is there wrong apache? or wrong php? or wrong wordpress? or mysql?

i find solution. php filter changed content. solve it, changed 'filter.default' variable in /etc/php.ini 'special_chars' 'unsafe_raw', , restarted httpd.


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