unix - Trying to get first letter from first name in nawk script to html -

why line 17 not working (commented in code)?:

#!/bin/nawk -f  begin {     print "<html>"     print "<body>"     print "  <table border=2>"     print "    <tr>"     print "      <th>name</th>"                   print "      <th>username</th>"                   print "      <th>email</th>"                         print "    </tr>" }  {     print "    <tr>"     print "      <td>" $2 " " $1"</td>"                        print "      <td>"'{substr($1,1,1)}' "</td>"  ###### line 17                      print "      <td>" $3 "</td>"              

am allowed put statement in line 17? im trying first letter of first name.

the single quotes in line should removed. quoting allows shell parse substr , not want happen.

also command substr not substr.

print "      <td>"'{substr($1,1,1)}' "</td>"  ###### line 17       

change to-:

print "      <td>" substr($1,1,1) "</td>" 


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