c# - How to change the position of jquery dialog box into center? -

i have jquery dialog box showing content of div. problem dialog box appearing @ bottom of page whenever link button clicked link button @ bottom of page want appear @ top of page user don't have scroll down find dialog box.

here aspx code:

  <a href="#" onclick="opendialog('#divnominees','add nominee')"> 

jquery code:

   function opendialog(obj,title) {     $(obj).dialog({ title: title, modal: true })     $(obj).parent().appendto($("form:first"));     var p = $(obj).parent();   } 

i appreciate if me out of because wasted whole morning solving issue.

thanks in advance.

you keep div not nested other tables/divs or whatever. in below sample, tblouter id of table wanted dialog box centered.

 $("#divnominees'").dialog({              modal: true,              position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: $("#tblouter") },              title: "nominees",              dialogclass: "ui-dialog-content"          }); 


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