User owning multiple items in mysql database -

so have few tables in database setup , i'm wondering best way is.

essentially have 1-to-many relationship single user can "own" multiple items, represented array in php, return unique item number, type, , values of item. how go storing in mysql table?

would best have lookup table of every single item along it's id , present owner? make more sense put line item in user table had csv list of every item owned every player (that nightmare index?)

what makes sense here?


class character contains items[]

character 1 has following entries in items list:

1, 2, 5, 10,11,12

character 2 has following entries in items list:


what decent way store data?


never, ever store delimited string values in database. normalize data creating many-to-many table instead. way you'll able query data.

that being said schema might like

create table characters  (     char_id int not null auto_increment primary key,      name varchar(32),     ... ) engine = innodb; create table items (     item_id int not null auto_increment primary key,      name varchar(6),     ... ) engine = innodb; create table item_list (     char_id int not null,      item_id int not null,     primary key (char_id, item_id),     foreign key (char_id) references characters (char_id),     foreign key (item_id) references items (item_id) ) engine = innodb; 

if later need produce delimited list of items per character can explode values while iterating on resultset can use query this

select char_id, group_concat(item_id) items   item_list -- ...  group char_id 

here sqlfiddle demo


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