sql server - Selecting from XML field where XML field = X and another XML field = Y -
so build off of question, selecting xml field xml field = x, , using same sql fiddle, http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/7c0a0/5.
i can't seem figure out how grab record has both item has field value of 'payment method' , has item has newvalue of 25.
i tried following , didn't return results. assuming because it's looking in clause in 1 of nodes doesn't exist.
select id t1 cross apply xmlfield.nodes('/items/item') xtbl(xitem) xitem.exist('field[.="payment method"]') = 1 , xitem.exist('newvalue[.="25"]') = 1
what missing?
if want single items condition holds can do:
select t1.id, t.c.query('.') t1 cross apply xmlfield.nodes('/items/item[field[.="payment method"] , newvalue[.="debit"]]') t(c)
select t1.id, t.c.query('.') t1 cross apply xmlfield.nodes('/items/item') t(c) t.c.value('field[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'payment method' , t.c.value('newvalue[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'debit'
after comment, think, may need this:
select t1.* t1 xmlfield.exist ('/items[ item[field[.="payment method"] , newvalue[.="debit"]] , item[datatype[.="4"] , newvalue[.="25"]] ]' ) = 1
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