css - Does inline-block affect the clickability of links? -

for quite few sites, have used css3 bon bon buttons allow buttons displayed 3d effect. use them <a></a> links.

everything works fine except when display: inline-block applied, doesn't seem click correctly. (but not always) might have click button 3 or 4 times before registers. other times, exact same button click straight away. seems occur on browsers , platforms.

why , there solution? if set display block, works perfectly, there situations display:block not ideal.

jsfiddle (code) (live example)

i think using display: block; may filling in unclickable space within button, when switch display: inline-block; inline element neglects fill additional space.

your example dense , hard make out going on, given css used render button. don't suppose supply pared-down version make easier see what's going on?


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