internet explorer - How to play .m4a with HTML5 audio in IE(9+) and Safari (Pad)? -

i need play .m4a files (recorded on iphone) in ie(9+) , safari (ipad, iphone). facing problem setting correct mime type. playing in ie10 need set audio/mp4 safari audio/aac.
audio/mp4 getting cannot play audio file on ipad. audio/aac getting error: unsupported audio type or invalid file path in ie

is there type can set both?

<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">    <source src="play.aspx?filename=sound.m4a" type="audio/mp4" /> </audio> 


using alternative player not solution me.

i serve files thorough .aspx page can control http headers.

from observing page html 5 audio across browsers using m4a, oga, mp3 , flash seems possible solution give type="audio/mp4" , no conten-type header. removing http header in aspx rather complex problem trying solve(see removing/hiding/disabling excessive http response headers in azure/iis7 without urlscan).

audio still in working draft, browser experience vary.

having said that, mime type that's prevalent audio/x-m4a. sites show audio/m4a-latm valid mime type m4a audio of writing, chrome doesn't recognize mime type.

you can try snippet in different browsers see if works - verified in ie11, chrome (v37) , ie9 (emulated via dev tools).

audio tag sample

i've found (personal observation) audio recorded on iphone doesn't play of time on web. browsers file invalid , if download recorded file, doesn't play in media players (e.g windows media player). suspect ios core audio blame here haven't found conclusive yet. audio recorded android works fine though.

at point, having flash fallback seems best option (won't on ihateflash devices though).


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