android - Unit Test Interaction Between Activity and Service -

how can test interaction between activity , service?

for example, have service manages current music player play queue , activity displays play queue user. want test activity correctly displays play queue.

public class viewavailablesongsactivitytests extends activityinstrumentationtestcase2<viewavailablesongsactivity> {     public viewavailablesongsactivitytests() {         super(viewavailablesongsactivity.class);     }      public void testoneavailablesong() {         songparcel song = new songparcel("test title", "test artist", "content://testuri");         addsongtoavailablelist(song);          activity activity = this.getactivity();         listview lstavailablesongs = (listview) activity.findviewbyid(;         assertequals(1, lstavailablesongs.getcount());          assertlistviewitemiscorrect(lstavailablesongs, 0, song);          stopmyservice();     }      public void test3availablesongs() {         songparcel songlast = new songparcel("test title", "test artist1", "content://testuri");         addsongtoavailablelist(songlast);          songparcel songfirst = new songparcel("a song", "test artist2", "content://testuri");         addsongtoavailablelist(songfirst);          songparcel songmiddle = new songparcel("bravo", "david", "content://tests");         addsongtoavailablelist(songmiddle);          activity activity = this.getactivity();         listview lstavailablesongs = (listview) activity.findviewbyid(;         assertequals(3, lstavailablesongs.getcount());          assertlistviewitemiscorrect(lstavailablesongs, 0, songfirst);         assertlistviewitemiscorrect(lstavailablesongs, 1, songmiddle);         assertlistviewitemiscorrect(lstavailablesongs, 2, songlast);          stopmyservice();     }      private void addsongtoavailablelist(songparcel song) {         context context = this.getinstrumentation().gettargetcontext();         intent addsongintent = new intent(context, myservice.class);         addsongintent.setaction(myservice.add_song_to_available_list);          addsongintent.putextra(myservice.extra_song, song);         context.startservice(addsongintent);     }      private void assertlistviewitemiscorrect(listview lstview, int index, songparcel song) {         adapter adapter = lstview.getadapter();         view row = adapter.getview(0, null, lstview);          textview txttitle = (textview) row.findviewbyid(;         assertequals(song.gettitle(), txttitle.gettext());          textview txtartist = (textview) row.findviewbyid(;         assertequals(song.getartist(), txtartist.gettext());     }      private void stopmyservice() {         this.getactivity().stopservice(new intent(this.getinstrumentation().gettargetcontext(), myservice.class));     } } 

i tried using activityinstrumentationtestcase2, had problems using service. appeared service persisting test test because activity display 3 songs.

am using activityinstrumentationtestcase2 incorrectly or should using different test class?

it turns out had bug, stopservice() never being called =p. in assertlistviewitemiscorrect(), adapter.getview(0, null, lstview) should have been adapter.getview(index, null, lstview). appears working fine now.


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