javascript - regex match numbers with potential letters -

i need match js:

  • a number,
  • which potentially can followed letter (or two),
  • and may separated space
  • or hyphen

for example:

23  4545a  1b  554 cs 34-s 

regex not strong suit, i've got this...

^[0-9a-za-z ]+$ 


^(0-9a-za-z )+$ 

aaaaand, mine hybrid of other answers. :)

/^\d+[ -]?[a-z]{0,2}$/i 
  • \d+ = 1 or more digits
  • [ -]? = optional space character (note: space only, not "whitespace") or dash
  • [a-z]{0,2} = 1 or 2 alpha characters (note: lowercase @ moment, keep reading . . .)
  • the i @ end of pattern makes case insensitive, [a-z] match upper or lower-case alphas

edit - okay, found error in of our answers. lol because alpha pattern allow 0 characters @ end , space , dash optional, regexes we've provided far result in false positive following test data: 123- , 456 <--- space @ end

the second 1 resolved using $.trim() on value (if allowed trying test), first 1 can't.

so . . . brings new regex handle situations:

/^\d+([ -]?[a-z]{1,2})?$/i 
  • \d+ = 1 or more digits
  • [ -]? = optional space character (note: space only, not "whitespace") or dash
  • [a-z]{1,2} = must have 1 or 2 alpha characters (note: lowercase @ moment, keep reading . . .)
  • the ( . . . )? around last 2 patterns enforces space or dash valid after numbers, if are, then, followed 1 or 2 letters . . . however, entire group optional, whole.
  • the i @ end of pattern makes case insensitive, [a-z] match upper or lower-case alphas

they updated regex matches of examples , fails on 2 invalid cases mentioned, well.

note: if numbers followed space should considered valid, trimming value before test allow case pass well.


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