ios - NSURLErrorDomain error -1021 -

i'm developing app integrated dropbox. login done i'm able create folder in dropbox. when try load file i'm getting error

following error i'm getting

error making request /1/files_put/dropbox/info.plist - error domain=nsurlerrordomain code=-1021 "the operation couldn’t completed. (nsurlerrordomain error -1021.)" userinfo=0x6859bc0 {destinationpath=/info.plist, sourcepath=/users/bcod/library/application support/iphone simulator/5.0/applications/0e1ee43c-8f6b-40fa-8696-d3992da2dce5/} 

i'm not getting error when i'm creating folder.

i had same problem ios 5.0 on iphone, iphone 6.1 simulator worked without creating error messages.

i took dropboxsdk / dbrestclient.m, last lines of uploadfile:topath:frompath:params , implemented categorie 'exbody' on dbrequest add connection:neednewbodystream method:

#import "dbrequest+exbody.h"  @implementation dbrequest (exbody)  #pragma mark nsurlconnection delegate methods  - (nsinputstream *)connection:(nsurlconnection *)connection neednewbodystream:(nsurlrequest *)req {      nsstring * sourcepath = [userinfo objectforkey:@"sourcepath"];     nslog(@"%@ needs newbodystream!", sourcepath);     return [nsinputstream inputstreamwithfileatpath:sourcepath]; }  @end 

this worked me. method called on ios5, not on ios6!


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