actionscript 3 - URLLoader is not working in flex 4.6 Mobile Project for Android -

urlloader not dispatching event.complete event on android mobile, although working in flash builder mobile debugging. code snippet given below:

private function loadalbumdata():void {  var request:urlrequest = new urlrequest("");     var urlloader:urlloader = new urlloader();   urlloader.addeventlistener(event.complete, onloadcomplete);   urlloader.load(request);   }  private function onloadcomplete(evt:event):void {     trace(; } 

here requesting album xml google's picasa service.

from looks of xml page, pulling in data relevant me. best guess relies on being signed google determine user is. if user doesn't have google cookie (tested signing out of google), returns "authorization required", might returned http status error rather actual page. because apps sandboxed, cookies not shared between apps or system without explicitly asking them (which require ane)

in case, have 2 options:

  1. figure out how allow user sign google, save cookie, , send in request. have never dealt cookies in flash not able here
  2. use usernamehere username of account want pull data from.

obviously solution depends on implementation of feature, won't recommend 1 use. issue here.


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