iphone - Detecting C leak using Instruments (Leaks) -

i wrote test code check how use instrument (leaks). have created single view application , on button click have loaded new view this...

- (ibaction)btn_clkd:(id)sender {     new_file *new = [[new_file alloc] init];      if (new) {         [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:new animated:yes];         new = nil;     } } 

in new_file viewdidload method, have create leak below...

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     // additional setup after loading view nib.      char *c_mem = (char*) malloc(10000000);     strcpy(c_mem, "testing");     //   free(c_mem); } 

even i'm using arc, memory allocated plain c malloc, , have not freed memory after used, though have popped , loaded again , again new view, instrument(leaks) not detecting leak in code... reason, checking correctly?


given view controller deallocated (please verify), eventually leaks detect c_mem pointer leaks.

instruments may not find immediately - due algorithm uses detect leaks.

the algorithm searching unreferenced variables looking pointers point heap. if happens there arbitrary variable, p, value happens value of c_mem - instruments thinks pointer c_mem still referenced p -- though p may contain arbitrary data , not referencing c_mem.

note instruments leak detecting algorithm more sophisticated, , may change , improved.

in order find leaks, run special code - unit tests - in loop. if used memory not grow in time, good. can use "snapshot" feature of leaks, , "mark generation" feature of allocations check current state of heap.


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