knockout.js - Knockout with repeat binding: Initially selected value being overwritten -

i have preset value select selectedvalue has value of "ham". have 3 options "spam", "ham", "cheese".

when viewmodel applied, "ham" value selected, selectedvalue looses it's value, "ham" isn't selected although appears be.

what need change allow selectvalue retain it's initial value? here's jsfiddle


<select data-bind="value:selectedvalue">    <option data-bind="repeat: values"          data-repeat-bind="value: $item(), text: $item()">    </option> </select> <br>selectedvalue: <span data-bind="text:selectedvalue"></span> 


var viewmodel = function () {     this.selectedvalue = ko.observable("ham"); //initial value has been chosen.     this.values = ko.observablearray(["spam", 'ham', 'cheese']);     this.showmeselectedvalue = function(){alert(this.selectedvalue())}; };  ko.applybindings(new viewmodel()); 

note: using repeat binding use regular options binding, need repeat binding select labels work.

there few different ways handle one. think easy way use custom binding applies binding children first.

here example:

ko.bindinghandlers.bindchildren = {     init: function(element, valueacessor, allbindings, vm, bindingcontext) {         //bind children first         ko.applybindingstodescendants(bindingcontext, element);          //tell ko not bind children         return { controlsdescendantbindings: true };     } }; 

now, specify:

<select data-bind="bindchildren: true, value: selectedvalue">     <option data-bind="repeat: values" data-repeat-bind="value: $item(), text: $item()"></option> </select> 

here example:


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