Dapper and DynamicParameter() -
i looking through code , unable read it. tried find material , examples unable find specific or documentation me understand issue. can read me code , if there documentation read it.
at first question why need use dynamicparameter()
object of dapper. not sure =>
public void validrecord(string filename, string rawcontent, int userid) { run(conn => conn.execute("[dbo].[storedproc_getdone]" , new dynamicparameters (new dictionary<string, object> { {"filename", filename}, {"rowcontent", rawcontent}, {"usercreated", userid}, }), commandtype.storedprocedure)); }
not part of dapper, =>
in c# used create lambda expression, in case expect action<dbconnection>
, i.e. guess run looks lot this:
run(action<dbconnection> action) { using(var conn = createconnection()) { conn.open(); action(conn); } }
i.e. "i'm going give connection; want it?" - in case choosing execute
stored procedure.
now, worth noting in example there no benefit in using dynamicparameters
, since information known - use:
run(conn => conn.execute("[dbo].[storedproc_getdone]", new { filename, rawcontent, usercreated = userid }, commandtype.storedprocedure));
which work well. in answer "why need use dynamicparameter
- you don't in scenario. however, in cases might - if building sql on fly manually, example:
if(name != null) { sql.append("and name = @name "); args.add("name", name); }
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