mvc - WebControlCaptcha image MVC Razor -

i converted mvc3 application aspx razor, using captcha; in aspx used:

<%@ register tagprefix="cc1" namespace="webcontrolcaptcha" assembly="webcontrolcaptcha" %> 

in razor project moved register web.config:

  <system.web>     <pages>       <controls>         <add assembly="webcontrolcaptcha" namespace="webcontrolcaptcha" tagprefix="cc1" />       </controls>     </pages>   </system.web> 

unfortunately captcha image did not display, suggestions. thank you.

those user controls webforms, not supported in mvc. instead of user controls need html helpers.

not sure if control trying use has mvc equivalent, if not, recommend question covers how (re)captcha in mvc:

how implement recaptcha mvc?


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