javascript - How to get the dimensions of the rights notices on Google Maps v3? -

i want add own anchors/links (or custom controls, perhaps) on bottom of google maps canvas. according google maps apis terms of service (please see section 8.5 proprietary rights notices), developers not supposed block proprietary rights notices, hence have utilize space between 2 <div></div>'s on bottom right other on bottom left corners! enter image description here

is there way calculate or measure dimensions (mainly widths) of rights notices (including copyright , trademark notices, terms of use links, or brand features)?

i looking solid, api-oriented solutions; e.g, not parsing generated dom elements classes and/or id's since prone changed.

thanx in advance response.

i think maps ensure right notices not overlapped when place custom control using map.controls[google.maps.controlposition.bottom].push(control) method. didn't check it.


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